Thursday, January 24, 2013

Bible study day....

Well Thursday is our bible study day at CBS , community bible study. I teach the 3 year old. Class so we are there all day on Thursdays. We have missed the last few weeks with Jordan being sick so today he was a little hesitant about going . And sure enough in my study time before the kids arrive they brought him to me , he wanted his momma , so he stayed with me in my class today and then went with the sitter for my afternoon study time . He was very good in my class and it gave me the rare opportunity to get pictures of his day so I am gonna share them with you :-) also we had a BeUtiful sunset today so I had to snap a pic of it to share to . Also we had 2 cool eggs that we are passing on to a friend to show their kids , one huge it is a double yolk , and one really tiny , my guess is no yolk . so i put a pic of them next to a regular egg but the picture dosnt do justice :-) . They are calling for winter weather tonight so we are settled in to see what comes , an have a cool snow day project if school closes so check back tomorrow and see :-) until next time , God bless from our homestead to yours :-)

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