Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentines fun

Well its a little late , but here is all our valentine fun crammed into one post :-) Jordan made cards for his teachers at bible study ....he LOVES anything that involves paint lol

this was him putting his shirt back on himself, still not real sure how he managed to get it on like this ha ha ha

story time with his new book from the imagination libary

yep he was overly happy that it has elephants!

Jordans new favorite thing, video chatting with daddy on tango

                    another card Jordan made for friends
                                      yep, told you he loves to paint lol

               he was writing his "name" on his friends valentines :-)

                                                      this boy LOVES his cat!!!
                                    my gift from my wonderful hubby!

                                                 happy valentines from the homestead!

                                          there are no words for this one this girl

                                    made the kids heart shaped sandwhiches for their lunches

                                           presents from frank :-)

                          special balloons from grandma

until next time.... God bless from our homestead to yours.....


  1. Dd a pizza place send you a heart shaped pizza?? That's awesome!

  2. yep papa johns was doing them, and bella had begged all week :-)

  3. I'm not sure which pic I like best, though we did laugh way too much about Jordan's upside down shirt. So good to "see" you all.
