Well today I went out and worked some more on our new garden area after I got Bella from school then I came in for the night and Bella asked can I go clean my garden up?
You see I was telling hubby the other day how Jordan likes to stack wood and carry it and work outside an feed animals etc , and I got the best compliment ever , he said he see you working hard and he wants to too that's good . You see our kids do what we do even when we think they arnt looking. I know people says that all the time but what are your kids learning. Today this was on my mind when I say 2 guys broke down in the road. No I know nothing of cars but are you so busy you can't ask if you can be of help ? I watched as car after car flew by aggravated they were in the road and not one stopping , yes I am pretty sure when the girl with chickens on her back window got out in her pajamas to ask if she could be of assistance they were a little surprised Lol. All they needed was gas and YES my 3 year old was taking notes as we drove to get it for them. Until next time .... God bless from our homestead to yours :-)
You go, girl! You work your tail off, and it's good to see you being rewarded in the ways that matter. :)